The Nonlinear Photonics Lab is equipped with a femtosecond high-power laser system, and with advanced optical and mechanical precision instruments.
Femtosecond laser system source

- Femtosecond tunable laser system composed of a pump laser at 1030 nm (LIGHT CONVERSION PHAROS SP-HP 10W) generating tunable duration pulses (10ps-150fs) with 1-100 kHz repetition rate, feeding a non-collinear oscillator and parametric amplifier (LIGHT CONVERSION ORPHEUS-F) that generates pulses of 100-25 fs in duration, with wavelength tunable in the range 600 nm-2400nm
- 4 mW HeNe-based laser (Thorlabs HNLS008L-EC).
- YOKOGAWA AQ6370 optical spectrum analyzer (with 600-1700 nm spectral range)
- MOZZA Fastlite real-time spectrometer (with 1000-5000 nm spectral range)
- Miniature fiber optics spectrometer (Ocean Optics USB2000+) with 200-1100 nm spectral range
- Dinolight2.0 digital microscope
- Thermopile power meter (GENTEC XLP12-3S-VP-INT-D0)
- USB Power Meter, Standard Photodiode Sensor, Ge, 700 – 1800 nm (Thorlabs PM16-122)
- Fast 8GHz Lecroy-Teledyne WavePro 804HD oscilloscope
- APE PulseCheck 50 autocorrelator and FROG system
- High resolution cameras in the visible (CCD Gentec Beamage 4M and 4M-IR) and near-infrared (InGaAs Hamamatsu C12741-03) and beam quality M2 optical system (Gentec Beamage M2), reflex digital camera (Nikon D850)
- Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulator (Hamamatsu LCOS X15213)
- High-capacity workstations
- Optical and mechanical components
- Multimode and single mode optical fibers, specialty (doped and photonic crystal) fibers.
Detection systems